Regulatory finance
We advise governments, regulators and regulated companies on financial issues.
Regulatory finance work is a core offering from CEPA, with expertise in both our UK and Australian offices. A key and often contentious issue in regulatory determinations is the allowed return, often determined with reference to an estimate of the weighted average cost of capital. We have a track record of advising regulators, governments, and regulated companies about the cost of capital in all infrastructure and related sectors across the world. We also have deep experience of advising on related matters including the use of Equity Value (EV)/Regulated Asset Base (RAB) multiples, financeability, profitability, the treatment of inflation, margin analysis and the regulation of asset light companies, financial accounting advice, as well as financial modelling to support our analysis in all these areas.
We have worked on multi-year assignments in energy, water and transport sectors, whilst providing advice across all CEPA sectors.

Regulatory finance work is a core offering from CEPA, with expertise in both our UK and Australian offices. A key and often contentious issue in regulatory determinations is the allowed return, often determined with reference to an estimate of the weighted average cost of capital. We have a track record of advising regulators, governments, and regulated companies about the cost of capital in all infrastructure and related sectors across the world. We also have deep experience of advising on related matters including the use of Equity Value (EV)/Regulated Asset Base (RAB) multiples, financeability, profitability, the treatment of inflation, margin analysis and the regulation of asset light companies, financial accounting advice, as well as financial modelling to support our analysis in all these areas.
We have worked on multi-year assignments in energy, water and transport sectors, whilst providing advice across all CEPA sectors.
Regulatory finance News & insights

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