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News & insights

Date: May 2019 | Client: Global Infrastructure Hub | Sector: Infrastructure | Project development | Expertise: Finance and transaction advisory

A guidance tool for National Infrastructure Banks and related facilities

We developed a reference tool for the Global Infrastructure Hub which examined areas where National Infrastructure Banks could play a catalytic role, including offering innovative financing products, mobilising local currency in emerging markets, increasing support to project preparation and taking a market leading role in supporting green finance.

An evolving role

Our analysis highlighted that over time, National Infrastructure Banks have evolved from institutions providing long-term financing to the public sector to mobilising greater finance from the private sector. In recent years, National Infrastructure Banks have also had a more specific focus on financing renewables and the green economy.

A unique position

National Infrastructure Banks have been able to raise capital efficiently due to their backing by host governments, allowing them to pass on long-term, low financing costs to projects thereby making them more affordable. In countries with less sophisticated capital markets, National Infrastructure Banks can play a key role in mobilising local financing for infrastructure. While National Infrastructure Banks have historically largely offered long-term senior debt, going forward they are well placed to offer products and services that allow more resources to be provided by the private sector, including support for project development as well as more innovative financial products as part of transactions.

A role for future institutions

Our work highlighted that new institutions should ensure that their role remains additional to what the market needs through the products they offer. These institutions should be operated independently from government, while guided by mandates and strategic thinking that aligns with public policy objectives.

To find out more, please contact our experts listed below.

Mark Cockburn
Managing Partner United Kingdom