News & insights
Date: March 2019 | Client: Gavi | Sector: Global health | Immunisation | Health & community systems strengthening | Expertise: Health economics & evaluation
Evaluation of Gavi health system strengthening support to Nepal
The aim of the evaluation was to identify the key advantages and disadvantages of provision of support through the pooled fund and highlight essential lessons that could be useful to guide Gavi’s future HSS support in Nepal and other countries. CEPA carried out a comprehensive evaluation to assess the design, relevance, engagement approaches and results achieved by Gavi’s HSS support through the pooled funding mechanism in Nepal. The review also considered a number of “cross cutting” issues including how experience and results might have differed if Gavi had provided “traditional” earmarked funding as compared to contributing to the pooled funding mechanism; specific features of the Nepalese health system (and broader country-specific factors) that might have driven the success or failure of the pooled funding mechanism; and specific features of Gavi and its HSS window that may have supported the success or failure of funding to Nepal.
The evaluation was delivered in partnership with Health Research and Social Development Forum (HERD): a local research firm, along with advisory inputs from key partnership, health systems strengthening and Nepal country experts.
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