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Date: January 2011 | Client: Ofcom | Sector: Communications, media & payment systems | Postal services | Expertise: Finance and transaction advisory

Review of financial models for Postcomm

CEPA put together a structured review process, drawing on its experience of model reviews, finance issues and the postal services sector. This included a review of the overall functionality of the models, with reference to their intended purpose, as well as a review of individual calculations and an assessment of aspects of the model that were likely to be prone to error, have an incomplete audit trail or otherwise fall short of best practice.  

CEPA’s reports provided a thorough assessment of the issues in both models and also provided a number of suggestions for improvements. These suggestions particularly focused on the ease of use and functionality from the perspective of users, including market participants and other stakeholders. 

To find out more, please contact our experts listed below.

Mark Cockburn
Managing Partner United Kingdom