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News & insights

Date: October 2021 | Sector: Global health | Expertise: Global health modelling

CEPA modelling shows the economic and public health impact of voluntary licensing

Licences negotiated by the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) will have saved the international community an estimated USD 3.5 billion and 170,000 lives by 2030. This is according to a new methodology for estimating the impact of MPP licences that was validated through a peer-reviewed research article published in The Lancet Public Health, "The economic and public health impact of intellectual property licensing of medicines for low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study".

The study, based on modelling by CEPA's team of global health experts, provides detailed estimates of the public health and economic impact of two MPP licences for HIV and Hepatitis C treatment as case studies.

The underlying methodology is based on country-level modelling contrasting scenarios in which key medicines would and would not have been available through MPP licences (with drugs at potentially higher prices, leading to changes in uptake dynamics). MPP will now adopt CEPA’s modelling to report on uptake, cost savings and deaths averted from across its portfolio of licences on a yearly basis.

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