Andrei Vladareanu
Managing Consultant
Andrei has extensive experience of working for public and private sector clients on a range of issues across the energy sector.

Andrei Vladareanu is a managing consultant in CEPA’s regulation & competition practice. He has extensive experience of working for public and private sector clients on a range of issues across the power and gas sectors including review and design of regulatory frameworks, market monitoring and market power mitigation, network charging, security of supply and reserve margin assessments and energy market modelling.
Andrei has advised the Irish Government on the design of low carbon generation support schemes, assessed gas security of supply for the UK Government and supported regulators in Australia and Asia evaluate the effectiveness of their current energy market arrangements.
Andrei is part of the team acting as Capacity Market Auction monitor for the Irish electricity market and has advised the regulators on potential market power implications and mitigation strategies related to the new single electricity market (I-SEM) design. He has also regularly advised regulators, including Ofgem, Commission for Regulation of Utilities in Ireland and the Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators, on network charging structures and implementation of industry network codes particularly regarding the impact on efficient market outcomes and viability of infrastructure assets.
Andrei holds an MSc in Economic History from the London School of Economics and a BA in European Studies from Royal Holloway, University of London.
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