Chris Sutcliffe
Chris is a regulatory economist who works across CEPA’s energy, telecoms and payment systems practices. Prior to joining the firm, Chris worked at Ofcom, the regulator of communications services in the UK.

Chris Sutcliffe is a regulatory economist who works across CEPA’s energy, telecoms and payment systems practices. Prior to joining CEPA in 2022, Chris worked at Ofcom, the regulator of communications services in the UK.
Chris has experience working with regulators, governments, public sector bodies and the private sector. In the energy sector, he is the project manager for CEPA’s provision of Offshore Grid Economic and Financial Support for the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU). He has also assisted the CRU with the design of the upcoming gas transmission and distribution price control, PC5 and the implementation of the current electricity price control, PR5. In the UK, Chris has drafted guidance for the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) on community benefits for electricity network transmission infrastructure and was seconded to Ofgem to assist with the design of the Business Plan Incentive for the next gas and electricity price review, RIIO-3.
In communications, Chris supported CEPA’s advice to Optus in Australia which aided them in successfully opposing a proposed spectrum-sharing agreement between its direct competitors and led the delivery of a report for the World Bank on leveraging private sector investment to support the extension of cellular and fibre networks in rural areas in Eastern Africa.
His telecoms experience is further underpinned by his time at Ofcom, when his work covered:
- telecommunications;
- regulatory policy;
- spectrum auctions;
- post cost modelling; and
- applying behavioural insights to a wide range of communications sectors.
In payment systems, Chris has experience of multiple assignments for the Payments Systems Regulator (PSR). He was project manager for the internal consultancy report commissioned by the PSR on the New Payments Architecture (NPA) procurement and also provided support to the PSR on Authorised Push Payment (APP) Scams on a secondment basis.
Chris holds a BSc in Economics (First Class Honours with Distinction) from the University of York.
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