Energy: Energy retail & consumers
Energy is at the heart of everyone's home. Almost everyone has access to it, but energy poverty remains a concern for millions of households in the UK and Europe.

Retail competition often facilitates good outcomes for engaged customers. However, disengagement remains widespread and persistent; vulnerable customers require particular care.
Our experience covers both competitive retail markets and regulated frameworks such as retail price caps price monitoring regimes. So whether you are an energy company seeking to better link your activities and outputs to delivering consumer value, or a regulator looking at energy retail policies and customer protection, CEPA can assist you.
We can advise you on issues such as:
- stakeholder engagement and consumer vulnerabililty;
- developing approaches for regulating retail energy prices; and
- assessing the implications of a energy price caps and price monitoring regiimes on your business.
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If you would like to talk to someone regarding our experience in this sector please contact our experts.
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