Global health: Epidemics and communicable diseases
We have comprehensive knowledge and expertise in communicable diseases (HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, viral hepatitis); pandemic and epidemic diseases (COVID-19, influenza and cholera) and non-communicable diseases.
CEPA has extensive knowledge and expertise on epidemic and communicable diseases through our work with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), the Global Fund, the World Health Organization (WHO), UNAIDS, Unitaid, the Stop TB Partnership, the Roll Back Malaria Partnership to End Malaria, the Malaria Consortium and other organisations.
Within epidemics, we have recently completed an independent evaluation for CEPI to assess CEPI 1.0 in terms of its effects on society (i.e., the impact of CEPI’s activities and investments), the sustainability of the results achieved, and the main lessons learned from CEPI’s first five years. The review sought to assess performance and results under CEPI 1.0 to inform its next strategy for CEPI 2.0. We also completed a large-scale portfolio-level evaluation assessing the contribution of Unitaid’s COVID-19 response between March 2020 to October 2021, and alignment with the ACT-A partnership.
We have worked in a range of areas within communicable diseases. This includes extensive work in HIV/AIDS where, for example, we conducted a thematic review of the Global Fund’s investments in HIV primary prevention, we reviewed Unitaid’s portfolio of support for HIV self-testing and their portfolio of support for HIV molecular diagnostics. We have also worked in the area of integration of HIV and TB, including our evaluation for the Unitaid grant to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) on viral load monitoring, which included reviewing the demand for multi-platforms for diagnosis of HIV/TB co-infections as well as our evaluation of the Unitaid’s Medicines Patent Pool – an independent Foundation with the objective of providing patients in LMICs with increased access to health products through a voluntary patent pool mechanism, which included a review of expanding the remit of the foundation to diseases such as TB.
We have undertaken a number of projects within the malaria space spanning prevention, diagnosis and treatment. For example, we undertook the end of project evaluation of the Unitaid Next Generation Indoor Residual Spray (NgenIRS) project which aimed to introduce third-generation Indoor Residual Spraying (3GIRS) products, as well as both the mid and end of project evaluations for Unitaid of the Improving Severe Malaria Outcomes (ISMO) project. CEPA’s malaria experience is complemented by other evaluation work for the Global Fund, support to the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) on their impact measurement methodology and the development of funding approaches for malaria for malaria-eliminating countries with the Malaria Elimination Initiative at the University of California San Francisco.
CEPA has undertaken a range of work within TB including a value for money assessment of the Stop TB Partnership; an evaluation of the Global Fund’s Cooperation Agreements with WHO and the Stop TB Partnership on the provision of technical assistance to support the development of country concept notes and grant-making; and an evaluation of Unitaid’s funding for the introduction and scale-up of the GeneXpert technology for TB diagnosis.
On other epidemics, some other examples of our work include developing an economic case for dengue investment in Myanmar based on a synthesis of available data on the disease and economic burden. We have also worked on cholera through our support to the Global Task Force for Cholera Control (GTFCC) at the WHO, where we sought to assess its functions and performance and areas for further work in cholera in the future.
Within communicable diseases, we have undertaken a number of projects to measure impact for our clients, with further information being found here.
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