Global health: Market dynamics, supply & access
CEPA has substantive experience in retrospective and prospective market dynamics analyses, including interventions across a wide range of product and disease areas.
CEPA has substantive experience in market dynamics analyses with organisations including the Global Fund, Unitaid, and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, including retrospective and prospective market impact analysis of interventions across a wide range of product and disease areas.
For example, CEPA completed a review of the Gavi market shaping strategy in 2020 (“the Gavi Supply and Procurement Strategy 2016-20”) which sought to assess performance over the strategy period and provide recommendations for the next market shaping strategy. CEPA also carried out a review of Gavi’s market shaping externalities in 2019, which identified indicator trends of positive and negative externalities, assessed causal links with market shaping activities and generated insights to improve and guide future externalities monitoring and assessment. We have also developed a framework for the Global Fund for analysing market dynamics and market outcomes (price, supply security, quality, presentation/ availability, and market sustainability). Other market dynamic work has included an assessment of Unitaid’s investment in the paediatric anti-retroviral (ARV) market in terms of supply, prices, access, etc.; a review of the Unitaid-WHO-Stop TB Partnership work on the introduction and scale-up of the GeneXpert technology for TB diagnosis, and implications in terms of pricing and adoption; a review of Unitaid’s funding for HIV self-testing in Africa; an evaluation of Unitaid’s market entry grant to Diagnostics for the Real World, which aimed to make a new and alternative point of care diagnostic platform available, mid- and end-term evaluations of Unitaid’s “Improving Severe Malaria Outcomes” project, which supported interventions on the supply and demand side to accelerate global adoption of treatment for severe malaria, and an evaluation of Unitaid’s support to facilitate the creation of a sustainable market for third-generation indoor residual spraying products, amongst others.
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