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Transport: Aviation

The aviation sector has transformed over the past 25 years, giving passengers access to flights to ever more destinations at ever lower prices driving huge growth in passenger numbers. The success of the sector has shown what markets can achieve when they work within a well-considered regulatory framework.

CEPA has been at the forefront of this transformation, assisting with the key decisions on policies and investments which shape both the present and the future of the industry. Our expertise has been frequently put at the service of regulatory authorities, government departments, airports and airlines throughout the world.

The sector is now facing new challenges, with aviation’s contribution to noise pollution and climate change rapidly becoming pressing issues worldwide and the UK Government's support for a third runway at Heathrow. With our experience in other similarly affected sectors, we can help you to develop policies that effectively tackle these challenges while allowing the sector to continue its success.

Our key contacts for our Transport practice are...

If you would like to talk to someone regarding our experience in this sector please contact our experts.

View the Transport team
Ivan Viehoff
Senior Advisor United Kingdom
Benjamin Osenius-Eite
Managing Consultant Australia

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