Water: Water competition
Competition is a hot topic and various jurisdictions have been looking to introduce new forms of approach in the water and wastewater sectors.
In England and Scotland, non-domestic customers are able to switch their water supplier. In England and Wales, Ofwat has been investigating ways to introduce competition into upstream components of the water and wastewater value chain. Ofwat has also been introducing new contestable delivery routes for infrastructure such as Direct Procurement for Customers (DPC) involving competition for the market) that builds on the experience of the Thames Tideway Tunnel competition and other infrastructure competitive tendering models.
CEPA has extensive experience in providing advice on competition issues in the water sector:
- we were actively involved in the development of the regulatory framework for retail market competition in England;
- we have evaluated approaches to access pricing in the water sector in light of reforms to make the sector more competitive;
- we have advised regulators and investors on new contestable regimes for network infrastructure; and
- we have been actively involved in policy development for the Developer Services market and bulk supply charges for New Appointment Variation (NAV) providers and have supported a water-only company with their charging arrangements.
See also CEPA’s experience on retail issues in the water sector.
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