News & insights
Date: April 2022 | Client: UNAIDS | Sector: Global health | Health financing | Epidemics and communicable diseases | Expertise: Health economics & evaluation
Evaluation of the UNAIDS contribution to Efficient and Sustainable Financing
CEPA was appointed by the UNAIDS Independent Evaluation Office to lead an evaluation of the Joint Programme’s work on equitable, efficient and sustainable financing for the AIDS response. The evaluation was an opportunity to assess the achievements and forward looking priorities for UNAIDS Joint Programme’s work in this area, in response to changes in the AIDS financing landscape, the fiscal implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the new Global AIDS Strategy 2021-26. The evaluation had three objectives:
- To assess the relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact of the Joint Programme’s contribution to financing for the AIDS response over the period 2018-21;
- Draw conclusions on what is working well, what the Joint Programme should stop doing, and what the gaps are; and
- Provide forward looking and actionable recommendations to the Joint Programme for maximising the contributions to efficient and sustainable resourcing of the AIDS response.
The evaluation covered cross-cutting issues, such as human rights and gender equality, and transversal functions, such as coordination, monitoring and evaluation, innovation, resource mobilisation and strategic partnerships.
The evaluation involved undertaking detailed desk review, key informant interviews, and country case studies (including in Côte d’Ivoire, Kazakhstan, Tanzania and Viet Nam) representing diverse contexts with respect to health systems and financing, HIV/AIDS funding, and the epidemiology of the epidemic.
The full evaluation report may be downloaded here.
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